Nexen All-Pro HP

Nexen All-Pro HP

Classical Solid resilient tyre, ALL-PRO HP

A standard solid resilient tyre with CBX Pattern, excellence in pulling & brake capacity.
ALL-PRO HP will be the best choice if you are looking for an economical tyre.


Rim SizeTyre SizeNon MarkingTread
44.00-42.50 Rim NoAllpro CBX
85.00-83.00 RimNoAllpro CBX
816x6-84.33 RimNoAllpro CBX
818x7-84.33 RimNoAllpro CP01
818x7-84.33 RimNoAllpro CBX
921x8-96.00 RimNoAllpro CBX
96.00-94.00 RimNoAllpro CBX
106.50-105.00 RimNoAllpro CP01
106.50-105.00 RimNoAllpro CBX
127.00-125.00 RimNoAllpro CBX
156.00-154.50 RimNoAllpro CBX
157.00-155.50 RimNoAllpro CBX
157.00-156.00 RimNoAllpro CBX
158.15-15 (28x9-15)7.00 RimNoAllpro CBX
158.25-156.50 RimNoAllpro CBX
15250-157.00 RimNoAllpro CBX
15300-158.00 RimNoAllpro CBX

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