ATire RunnerBand

The RunnerBand is designed for the highest output in heavy-duty applications. A low-heat built-up inner compound is combined with the maximum volume of premium tread rubber. The performance can be tracked with a unique tread-wear indicator.

Constant operation ensured by low heat built-up inner cushion compound.

Resilient RunnerSolid tread pattern combines traction with durability.

All tyres are manufactured out of Sri Lanka’s finest natural rubber.


Tyre SizeTypeNon-Marking
14x4.5-8 (356x114-203)POB SmoothNo
16x5x10.5 (406x127-267)POB SmoothYes
15x5x11.25 (381x127-286)POB SmoothNo
15x5x11.25 (381x127-286)POB SmoothYes
16.25x6x11.25 (413x127-286)POB SmoothNo
16.25x7x11.25 (413x178-286)POB SmoothNo
18x5x12.125 (457x127-308)POB SmoothNo
18x6x12.125 (457x152-308)POB SmoothNo
18x7x12.125 (457x178-308)POB SmoothNo
18x7x12.125 (457x178-308)POB SmoothYes
21x7x15 (533x178-381)POB TreadedNo
21x8x15 (533x203-381)POB SmoothNo
21x8x15 (533x203-381)POB SmoothYes
22x8x16 (559x203-406)POB SmoothNo
22x10x16 (559x254-406)POB SmoothYes
28x10x22 (711x254-559)POB SmoothYes

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